DIY Isotherm Ceiling Insulation.

As a matter of fact, DIY ISOTHERM is the best option as it is itch-free and dust-free. Furthermore, the fact that Isotherm is Dust-free, Itch-free and allergy-free make this product so popular. In addition, we are a phone call away for advice on DIY Isotherm Ceiling Insulation to help.

DIY Insulation is definitely for the more experienced DIY man as working in confined spaces in the roof and ceiling areas is not that simple to reach into all the low sections and corners. Getting into the corners is possible to do a great job. And also reap the rewards of a cooler home in summer and a warmer home in winter.

How To … DIY Isotherm Roof Insulation.

  • The floor area that must be insulated must be measured.
  • Measure your beam widths so that you can order the 750mm or the 1200mm wide.
  • Always make sure that you order SANS compliant thickness for your region.

Find Out How To Cut Isotherm

Cutting Isotherm is as easy as tearing paper. One can tear all the insulation in a few minutes. In fact, having the insulation prepared in this fashion is far better than cutting long sections. As a result, the Isotherm can be installed in shorter sections allowing for a far better installation.

How to Install DIY Isotherm

  • Now that measurements are all done, you are ready to go.
  • Then take the rolls up into the roof area. You have ordered the right size rolls as per tiled roof or sheeting roof.
  • Open the rolls and start in the corner. It is Important to cover the entire roof.
  • Then roll out the Isotherm Insulation and do not stretch as it will pull back with time.
  • Lay the Isotherm tightly between the beams leaving no gaps.
  • Firstly, make sure you do not cover downlights or transformers when you are doing a DIY Isotherm installation. Cut a 100 to 150mm hole in the Isotherm Insulation for the downlight to breathe.
  • Important to realize that Transformers are to be placed above the Roof Insulation.
  • All electric wires were possible must be placed above the Insulation.
  • When you have covered the entire Ceiling with the Isotherm Ceiling Insulation, and you have checked all downlights and transformers, relax and enjoy the energy-saving benefits for many years.


SANS Compliant Isotherm Western Cape

  • ISOTHERM 145mm is SANS compliant for the Western Cape Region installed R-value 3.77
  • The Isotherm 135mm is NOT SANS compliant for Western Cape region installed R-value 3.54 required R-value is 3.70
  • The 100mm Isotherm is required in your home if the 100 mm low Isotherm is installed. This will be classified as a top-up filler to achieve the R-value of 3.70.

Please note R-values on this page include ceiling and roof structure.