This post is covering the benefits of two Roof Insulation types as a comparison. Isotherm Roof Insulation and the Cellulose Roof Insulation Pros and Cons. Please note this is our opinion based on 30 years of experience. Roof Insulation Western Cape installs and distributes all insulation types, but we will not install this blow-in type insulation. Listed below is why we won’t install cellulose. All our insulation products are SANS compliant.
We install all types of roof insulation products on the market. However, cellulose is one product that we will not fit. And this is based on a few of the points listed below. This most certainly not mean that cellulose is not a good thermal insulation product. All insulation products must achieve specified R-values in South Africa. R-value is the core of what the insulation’s ability is to retain heat flow in or out of the home. Ideally, homeowners need insulation that will cover entire roof, and not is affected by weather. Such as wind and rain or water leaks.
Isotherm Roof Insulation vs Cellulose
- Dust free allergy free Roof Insulation.
- Itch-free insulation manufactured from PET plastic making Isotherm polyester insulation.
- Eco-friendly manufactured from PET plastic bottles and can be dumped at any municipal dump site.
- Will outlast the lifespan of most homes.
- Roll form Insulation so the insulation thickness is consistent throughout.
- Isotherm Roof Insulation does not get affected by the wind.
- This insulation does not get affected by water. If the insulation gets wet, it will dry naturally on the next hot day. Should there be, a burst geyser problem and the Isotherm Roof Insulation is flooded the insulation can be removed and dried out on the next sunny day? Once dry the insulation can be re-installed.
- Isotherm Roof Insulation contains no fire retardant chemicals. In fact, Isotherm Roof Insulation will not sustain a flame not now and not in 30 years time. The Insulation has a natural fire rating.
- Pre-cut rolls for tiled roofs mean that roofs are well sealed when installing Isotherm Roof Insulation.
- Isotherm Insulation can be left for little kids to play with and be safe.
- No cones over downlight so no fire hazard. In fact, Isotherm Roof Insulation does not need cones.
Loose Fill or Blow In Insulation
- Is not Dust free and Allergy free
- Itch-free but not a good idea to handle this insulation.
- Manufactured from the paper that could be used for recycling as print media or boxes. In fact, this would increase the impact on the lifespan of trees.
- Most manufacturers claim a 10-year guarantee because of the fire rating being inconsistent over time.
- This is not a roll form, so the thickness of insulation is in the eye of the installer. If he thinks the insulation is thick enough, then that’s it. Insulation levels are not consistent in all areas leaving your home exposed.
- Unfortunately, loose fill insulation will be affected by the wind. In fact when we remove the insulation from homes we have varying thicknesses based on the prevailing winds. Very often we will find huge volumes on one side and very little on the other side of the home.
- One of the biggest and most costly problems with loose fill or cellulose insulation is water. As we are all aware fine paper dust will absorb water and in most cases need up with a costly ceiling collapse.
- Most loose fill or cellulose has up to 25% chemical composition. From fire retardants to rat chemicals to keep rats out of the insulation. This insulation should not be ingested as the chemicals, in my opinion, will cause health problems. As the fire retardants dissipate with the moisture in the air the insulation fire rating changes substantially.
- The cellulose comes in bags. If your measurements are 100mtrs exactly 100mtrs will be installed. The problem with this is we have noticed that most homes will need more insulation than the floor area. So what are you paying for as there is no right thickness?
Cellulose Safety
- Is cellulose safe enough for kids to play with absolutely not? This insulation can only be dumped a Hazchem dump site. In fact, we dump at Fissershok dump site. This is mostly because of the chemicals in the insulation.
- Cellulose must have cones over the downlights to prevent the paper insulation from burning. However, these cones are a nightmare as they heat up this could cause a fire. In fact, many of the cones have burnt when we remove the insulation.
Thermal Benefits Of Isotherm Roof Insulation and Cellulose
Both insulation products have great therm insulation properties. Where the big difference comes in is the thickness. In most cases, roll form insulation is thicker because it is a roll form and is rolled out highly between the beams. Cellulose is affected by the wind so the insulation properties will vary depending on how much of the insulation has been moved with the wind. Also, the inconsistent thickness when blowing the insulation into the roof will cause variations in the quality of the insulation. For the removal of cellulose give us a call as we have two massive industrial machines for the removal of cellulose. We have a third
Also, the inconsistent thickness when blowing the insulation into the roof will cause variations in the quality of the insulation. For the removal of cellulose give us a call as we have two massive industrial machines for the removal of cellulose. We have a third Roof Vacuum machine for the cellulose on the way to reduce the lead time for removing the paper insulation.