what is r value Roof Insulation benefits save energy

Roof Insulation Benefits

The reason proper Roof insulation is important is that it offers year-round benefits. You’ll not only avoid energy loss as hot air rises in the Winter, but you’ll also keep a hot roof from absorbing all your cooled air in the Summer. There are many roof insulation benefits to keep you comfy. Insulating the roof is also about safety and prolonging the life of your roof as well. When your roof isn’t properly insulated, the rising heat melts snow on the roof. You might consider this a positive, but in truth, it creates ice dams that weigh heavily on your roof structure. Not only that, condensation collects on the interior of the sheathing, especially in the Summer, which can lead to mould growth and wood rot.

Customers who have roof insulation in their attic will save up to 40% on their utility bills. Plus, you’ll avoid sagging roofs and rotting wood that compromises the entire structure of your home. These are just a few of the roof insulation benefits.

5 Roof Insulation Benefits For Home Comfort

  • Insulated homes are healthier homes.
  • Improved temperatures of 4-8 degrees in summer and winter
  • Save energy on heating and cooling
  • Reduce Condensation
  • Reduce noise pollution substantially

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These could be signs that you need a roof insulation upgrade or a new plan of attack. Access is through the trap door in the home, or we lift a roof section to gain entry. It is a worthwhile project because it pays itself back in 2-3 years from lower utility bills and because it’s non-invasive.

Of course, roof insulation is a way to improve your roof’s energy efficiency from the inside. There are a few ways to enhance it from the outside, such as painting it with a reflective coating.

Roofing Insulation Benefits in The Home

  • By reducing heat flow out of the home in winter
  • We reduce the need for heating to make the home warm by restricting the loss of warm air in the house.
  • Reducing this heat loss by as much as 90%, Will mean you have a warmer home in winter, and your need for heating decreases substantially.
  • By reducing the need for heating, you’re saving money on energy.
  • When it comes to summer, one of the main Roofing Insulation Benefits is reducing heat flow into the home via the ceiling.
  • A well-insulated home will reduce heat flow from the roofing space above by as much as 90%.
  • In fact, on sweltering days, when one measures the temperatures on the inside walls in your home, you’ll get readings of 28 to 30° C.
  • Before installing the insulation, the ceiling temperature will be substantially higher with temperatures as high as 50° C.
  • You are now bearing in mind that this is like underfloor heating but above your head in summer when you least want to heat.
  • We reduce the indoor temperature by 5-8 degrees by installing thermal insulation in the roof space.
  • Making your home cooler in summer and reduce the need for cooling, such as the air conditioning, substantially
  • Energy-saving as a result of the Roofing Insulation being installed should be recovered in 2 to 3 years. And this is the mere result of the fact that the need for cooling and heating has been reduced substantially.

Types of Roofing Insulation

  • There are several types of Roofing Insulation in South Africa.
  • However, Roof Insulation Western Cape Will only install high-quality Roll form installation.
  • Please note we do not install cellulose fibre as we do not believe that this insulation is suitable for South African conditions.
  • With the heavy rains and the wind that we have in this country, loose dust like insulation blown into the roof space will generally absorb water if you have a roof leak as the insulation is finely shredded paper with a host of chemicals.
  • So the question is then, what type of Roofing Insulation do we install.
  • We only install roll type Roof Insulation Products.
  • Out two significant players are the Think Pink Aerolite as well as the Isotherm Insulation.
  • These products both roll types of insulation so they will not be affected much by rain or the wind.

Isotherm Roof Insulation

  • Isotherm Roof Insulation is dust free and energy free Roof Insulation Product.
  • The Isotherm Roofing Insulation Benefits are excellent.
  • This product has a 30-year manufacturer guaranty, so it will most certainly outlast the lifespan of most homes.
  • The 145 mm Isotherm Roof Insulation is Sans compliant for the Western Cape region and Johannesburg and Pretoria.
  • The recommended R-value of 3.70 is required for these regions.
  • It is achieved with the 145mm isotherm insulation.
  • We are two different widths for this roof installation.
  • The one is 1200 mm 1.2 m wide, and the other is 750 mm wide.
  • They are making it easier to install roof installation in almost any home.
  • The 750 mm comprehensive installation is explicitly designed for tiled roofs.
  • Most tiled roofs have roof beams between 680 mm and 700 mm wide.
  • No cutting of the rolls as they are designed to fit snuggly between the beams

Aerolite Roof Insulation

  • Think Pink Aerolite Insulation is one of the most popular and the oldest forms of insulation on the market worldwide.
  • Aerolite Roof Insulation has been on the market for more than 70 years.
  • This makes the Aerolite Roof Insulation one of the oldest Roofing Insulation Products on the market worldwide.
  • The 135 mm Aerolite Roofing Insulation is Sans compliant for the Western Cape region and Johannesburg and Pretoria.
  • This installation achieves the recommended R-value of 3.70.
  • Aerolite is a fibreglass insulation product, and the role widths are all 1200 mm wide.
  • Aerolite Roof Insulation is simple to cut with a standard woods saw.
  • The roofing installation Will be laid across your beams.
  • One can then mark the spot to cut straight through the role.
  • Ideally, you would want to add 50 to 70 mm extra before cutting to ensure that the installation fits tightly between the beams.
  • Hire professional Aerolite installers for years of energy saving

There are many Roofing Insulation Benefits. The most obvious is the energy-saving benefits as a result of installing Roof Insulation.

Roofing Insulation is a way of creating comfort in your home by reducing the effects of the summer heat and the Winter chill. With Climate Change affecting the worlds climate patterns, insulation has become a significant factor in reducing the impact of Climate Change and Global Warming.

By installing Roofing Insulation products such as Isotherm Roof Insulation or Aerolite Roof Insulation, you will restrict the possibility of heat gain in summer.

And you will reduce the effect of heat loss in winter.

Ceiling Insulation Is Compulsory In South Africa

There are many types of Ceiling Insulation Products on the market in South Africa. All Roofing Insulation Products must be Sans compliant.

As per the new building legislation in South Africa as of January 2013, the legislation states that all new buildings built in South Africa must have the correct thickness of Roof Insulation Installed.

This includes all new homes as well as office blocks shopping centres and all the business premises. The reason for this legislation is to reduce the potential for energy loss in all new buildings.

As this Will reduce the need for expenses Energy consumption in all new buildings.

Summary Of Thermal Insulation Benefits

  • One of the most important Thermal Insulation Benefits is the energy-saving benefits. These benefits will carry on for many years off to the insulation that has paid for itself over and over.
  • We have a more comfortable home in summer.
  • A warm home in winter with home insulation
  • Reducing noise pollution coming into the home through the ceiling or roof area
  • One of the most important roofing insulation benefits is the health benefits. We have a more controlled temperature environment in your home, meaning less chance of flues and colds due to the more consistent temperature in the house.