global warming

Global Warming the True Story of Climate Change

In early 1989 a professor Bill McKibben wrote a book on this subject. The Nature of this was a book that today can be called The Story of Climate Change. In fact, The Story on Climate Change only starts then. Listed below are a few hard facts on Global warming and climate change.

However, the first recorded studies on Climate Change and Global Warming go back as far as 1824 when a Scientist JOSEPH FOURIER believed the earth’s temperature should be much cooler than it is because of the earths distance from the sun.

He, in fact, felt the temperature on earth should be 0Deg C very similar to that of the moon. He believed something in the earth’s atmosphere could possibly be acting as a type of INSULATION trapping the heat in.

Of Couse in those early years, this would have been regarded as the rumblings of a madman.

One of the first woman and early pioneering scientists Eunis Foote realized the Carbon Dioxide was the key factor in the insulating layer around the earth.

In fact, in early 1850 she did an experiment. Taking two glass Jars one with CO2 and the other with Air. She then linked these two jars with a tube and heated it. Using a thermometer, she realized the sun heated the Co2 quicker than regular air.

This lady then concluded that “An Atmosphere of This Gas Would Give the earth a Higher Temperature”

In fact, around two years later in the 1850s a very famous scientist of the time John Tyndall came to the same conclusion as Eunis Foote in his experiments. As this subject seemed to go nowhere, at this time and for years to come.

50 Years Later the Challenge to Solve Global Warming and Climate Change Continue

It was almost 50 years later when a Swedish Chemist Svante Arrhenius who a few years later won the Nobel Prize. He realized that because major industries at the time had started to burn coal to drive their Industry and manufacturing plants as well as heating our homes.

It was then obvious that the amount of Co2 around the planet would increase in temperature to heat the planet. It was obvious that when you burn Coal or Gas or Oil you give off CO2.

As a matter of fact, this burning of these products gives of substantial amounts of CO2. In fact, a 5Ltr Gas container has a weight of about 5 Kgs. And this contains about 85% Carbon and this gives off about 5 Kgs of carbon when it has been burnt.

What then takes place is that one Carbon Atom will join with two oxygen Atoms to give us CO2. Now the 5 liters of fuel will produce approximately 9kgs of CO2 when it burns.

This man’s theories were scoffed at by many other Scientists who believed that the fast oceans and lakes would absorb all the extra CO2 that we created.

Years Later Ocean Scientists Roger Revelle and Hans Suess Continued with a New Angle on the Subject

However, many years later two Ocean Scientists Roger Revelle and Hans Suess in 1950 had a feeling that the upper layers of the ocean were very much saturated with CO2.

These gentlemen believed it must then be accumulating in the Earths atmosphere. Then in 1958, they came across a young scientist Charles Keeling to test this theory.

He then proceeded to build a CO2 monitoring station in a hut on the slopes of Mauna Loa Volcano in Hawaii.

These gentlemen realized that the amount of Carbon Dioxide had been increasing. As a matter of fact, this has been increasing every year ever since, from 310 parts per million in 1960 to 400 parts per million in 2015.

This graph is known as THE KEELING CURVE. In fact, the jagged face of the graph is because of spring soaking up a lot of the CO2.

When the plants and leaves die in Autumn it increases again.

Unfortunately, at this point, nobody knew what the danger zone would be with the rising CO2 levels. Temperatures would fluctuate in summers and winters and there was no exact science to let us know what the danger zone was.

keeling curve co2 concentration (ppm)

How the Largest Oil Company Kept Reacted to the Looming Global Warming Information




Former Environmental Justice Chief Mustafa Ali has acknowledged that some of the first scientists to realize the impact of CO2 worked for the oil companies.

In fact, in July 1977 Exxon Chief Scientist told the company that there was GENERAL SCIENTIFIC AGREEMENT THAT THE MOST LIKELY WAY mankind is influencing the global climate is through carbon dioxide released from burning fossil fuels.

A doubling of carbon dioxide is estimated. And this can increase the average global temperature from 1 degrees C to 3 degrees C, with a 10 degrees C rise at the poles.

More research is needed to establish the validity and significance of these predictions with respect to the greenhouse effect.

It is currently estimated that mankind has 5 to 10-year time window to obtain the necessary information.

A year later in June of 1978, the executives of the largest oil company got a more explicit warning. Doubling the amount of carbon in the atmosphere would raise the temperature 4 to 5deg F.

The executives of oil companies believed their Scientists and started to raise the level of the oil Rigs to accommodate for the rising sea levels because of Global Warming.

So, these companies knew what the long-term outcome would be. However, this information was not made public as surely this would have affected their financial gains. Instead, they kept this quiet.

Global Climate Change as Forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies

Three-Dimensional Model

By Jim Hansen, I. Fung, A. Lacis, D. Rind, S. Lebedeff, R. Ruedy and G. Russel

The Nasa Goddard Space Flight Centre, Goddard Institute for Space Studies New York

Then in 1988, Jim Hansen was ready to tell the congressional committee the shocking news. In fact, because the weather was so hot at that time the paper got a lot of attention.

As we are all too aware since then the rapid climate change has increased steadily at a rapid rate. The rise in temperature world-wide has been remarkable.

  •  In fact, in 2014 hottest year ever recorded on our planet.
  • In 2015 these temperatures were smashed as the planet recorded new record highs.
  • Guess what in 2016 the temperatures on our planet smashed all the previous highs of 2015
  • In February of 2017, there were 29 lowest temperatures vs 4498 record highest temperatures.
  • Last year we saw the highest ever recorded temperature recorded on the planet 55 degrees C IN Basra Iraq. In fact, this is at the upper limits of human survival.

The fact of the matter is the extra warmth that our CO2 traps is almost equivalent to 400 000 Hiroshima bombs every day. This would be enough heat to destabilize the vast Glaziers and sheets of the Antarctic. This has now bleached huge swaths of the world’s coral reefs. The levels of the world oceans have started to rise.

How is Climate Change Affecting our Planet is Global Warming Really Having an Impact?

climate change and global warmingA very important factor to remember is that warm air holds more water than cold air. This will mean we will be having more drought in hot areas and more rain in wet areas. This will start causing a radical shift in the world economy as these changes affect our way of life.

Having said that a terrifying prospect is the rising sea level. This will leave the future generation this is almost the new generation with problems that can’t be rectified.

As icebergs melt and drift away it is estimated that this could increase sea levels to rise as much as 1 Mtr. This would mean we could lose all coastal cities.

It is difficult to predict the timescale. However, this seems inevitable. Predictions by scientists are 50 years. This could potentially make the planet ungovernable as a war for land that is fertile and receiving a good share of rain would be scarce.

Food resources fresh produce fish and game would be depleted as the natural habitat of animals and fish stocks are affected.

The Pentagon has warned that their biggest fear is Global Warming and the effect it will have on the world population.

One of the current leading Scientists on Global warming is Katharine Hayhoe has this to say. “We know it was warmer when there were Dinosaurs it was colder during the Ice Age so how do we know if this is another cycle the planet is going through”

Why are we Getting Hotter When Realistically we Should be Colder?

Since 1880 the suns heat has been steadily climbing up until the 1960s and then the sun has been going through a cycle steadily reducing the heat it projects to planet earth.

So, if our temperature is controlled by the sun right now we should be getting cooler. However, this is not the case temperatures are rising and icebergs are melting.

It is now a fact that every scientist in the world has said Global Warming is Caused by Humans and is Very Real.

If you don’t want to trust the Scientists on this issue. Then ask the Insurance Industry which is the part of our economy that oversees analyzing risk.



So, scientists more than 200 years ago started to notice that the molecular structure of CO2 traps heat near the planet and the atmosphere that would normally radiate out to space.


A NASA study reports that Arctic Ice is losing it’s (BULWARK) or defensive wall against warming summers.

Nasa explains the two-main thick ice losses over the last 30 years.

The first ice loss which spanned a few years and started in 1989.

The second ice loss began in mid-2000 and Multiyear ice which made up 20% of the sea ice cover is only about 3% now.

According to NASA reports there were 1.86 million square kilometers of old ice in September 1984 throughout the Arctic Sea Ice Cap.

In 2016 there are just 110 000square kilometers of older sea ice left.

What is the Importance of The Arctic and the Antarctic Regions?

The Arctic and the Antarctic act as the earth air conditioner. As they are cold and reflect a lot of heat they stay cold and keep the earth cooler.

However, they are more sensitive to climate change. In these regions, we see the biggest effects of climate change. With global warming temperatures in the Arctic regions.

In the last decade, we have seen an increase of as much as three times the global average for this region. As temperatures increase ice melts.

A Trillion Ton Iceberg in Antarctica is about to break off. At 3040 square Kilometres the biggest crack in the Antarctic. The crack has deepened according to experts and is ready to break away any day.

Making this the biggest breakaway in history. This Iceberg is almost half the size of Qatar and is expected to break apart in the next few weeks. THE CAUSE IS WARMING WATER BECAUSE OF GLOBAL WARMING.

The Arctic is heating up twice as much as the rest of the planet. Melting snow is exposing the icebergs and exposing them to the sun. As these ice caps melt and fall away and become warmer water the volume increases as warm water has more volume than colder water.

It is expected by the year 2100 sea levels will rise as much as 1 meter. This will affect Islands like the Maldives as they will be submerged. Other area includes densely populated areas like Bangladesh, Vietnam the Netherlands and the East Coast of the United States are all under threat.

The loss of floating icebergs has increased by a factor of 12 in the last two decades. In the late 1990s we were losing 6 billion tons of ice now we are losing and now we are losing 74 Billion tons.

How is Global Warming Going to Affect Us?

In some areas, weather patterns will change by getting colder. Freezing temperatures were previously mild temperatures were in place. Will this be everywhere? No this will be in certain regions or areas.

However, in most Areas climate will change to severely hot. As it is now some regions are experiencing dangerously elevated temperatures. In fact, the highest temperature ever recorded on earth recently was achieved in Qatar a staggering 54.5 degrees C.

In Cape Town South Africa an unconfirmed summer record high of 50.5 was supposed to have been recorded.

Rising seas because of Global Warming and melting Icebergs. This will result in many areas some highly populated being wiped out in the next 100 years. Rising seas are already affecting many coastal properties throughout the world. Higher water because of the warmer waters will destroy homes and agricultural land as well as industry.

What Effect Will Global Warming Have on Countries World Wide?

With hundreds of millions of people fleeing their flooded lands, there will be a mass migration. As people migrate to other areas. This will cause overpopulation and all the problems that will come with this.

With the impact of coastal flooding and loss of land. Many people will also be migrating to areas that are not severely hot. Temperatures will rise to extreme highs that are too dangerous to live in.

Temperatures of 55 Deg C have already been achieved. In years to come because of the continued global warming and climate change these temperatures will steadily rise.

Food shortages in countries like the Philippines, Nigeria, Vietnam, Haiti, Bangladesh, and Malawi are just some of the nations that will be at risk. As they are expected to see an increase in hot weather and tropical storms their ability to grow crops will be badly affected.

Multiple millions of people will need to be relocated. Today many countries are refusing to take in refugees from war-ravaged areas. What will the plight of the millions upon millions who will need to be relocated be?

The impact on countries who will take in some of the millions of refugees will be massive? Knowing their economies will already be radically affected by Global Warming.

It is estimated that the millions who are unable to migrate will be struck by poverty on a scale never imagined before.

There will be a mass reduction in food production worldwide as less land will be available to plant crops. It would not be possible to feed the world population.


The World Bank Estimates More Than 100 Billion Dollars a Year in Aid

The World Bank estimates that more than 100 Billion Dollars a year in aid just to barely survive. On top of this, it is estimated that climate change and Global Warming will cost the next generation.

A study by NextGen Climate and Demos expect the millennial generation will lose nearly 838 Trillion Dollars in lifetime income. The children of millennials will lose tens of million Dollars.

And all of this because of the environmental impact of a much warmer earth. This study was based on historical data. And based on data collected from 166 countries over the past 50 years.

These studies considered the impact of rising heat and Gross Domestic Product including the increasing events of natural disasters and rising sea levels.

This will hugely affect the growth of wheat and corn in the USA and abroad. It is estimated that we could be dealing with an added 87% increase in food prices and other commodities.

Corn Barley and Wheat are all going to be more difficult to grow. Products like alcohol and beer will be too expensive to buy. In fact, there will probably be no beer or very little by the year 2050.

As the planet gets hotter poppy seeds and poppy flowers will grow in massive volumes. This, in turn, will grow the heroin market as the poppy seeds will be stronger and creating a far bigger drug market world-wide.

Health will be heavily affected by the increase in temperature brings with it the growth of many more sicknesses. Increased number of allergies including kidney stones and diarrhea.

With the increased heat, millions of people will suffer from kidney stones. Lime disease has already increased in certain countries. E. coli disease will increase. With a massive increase in Tornados.

What We Can Do To Reduce this Devastation.

  • Recycle as much as possible
  • Make use of biodegradable products and packaging where ever possible.
  • Stop using plastic bags and plastic bottles these products are destroying sea life
  • Join lift clubs or use public transport when available.
  • Installing Roof Insulation in your roof and walls to reduce the need for carbon-producing heating and cooling.
  • Install double glazed windows.
  • Reduce water consumption
  • Very importantly conserve our forests. Plant trees
  • Reduce factory emissions
  • The building of energy efficient homes a major priority now more than ever. This applies to factories and offices.
  • Using the benefits of Solar Power to harvest energy.
  • Living off the Grid will reduce our carbon footprint and will help to slow down the inevitable impact of Global warming.