beat the summer heat

Beat the summer heat

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Therefore Beat the summer heat with Polyester Isotherm Insulation, or Fibreglass Think Pink Aerolite this summer. Temperatures have soared in the Western Cape region. The demand for Aerolite and Isotherm Insulation Products has increased substantially. In

More consumers in the Cape region have become more aware of the benefits of Isotherm and Aerolite Insulation. Many modern-day clients are horrified that the new home they have just purchased has no Aerolite insulation.

Unfortunately, the Sans legislation regarding compulsory insulation, achieving an R-value of 3,70 for the Cape region, only became mandatory on all new homes as of January 2013. Interestingly, many are young couples inquiring about Aerolite insulation for their homes. We have also noticed an increase in schools requesting samples of Isotherm or Aerolite for projects that school kids are doing to do modules showing how effective insulation is and how it works. This has spilt over to the homes as the parents hear of how effective insulation is.

To Beat  Summer Heat Insulate

Beat Summer Heat with Isotherm Polyester Insulation manufactured using recycled plastic bottles. This would have been pollution in our environment and is now regarded as one of the most Eco-friendly insulation products available. Unlike many of the so-called Eco-friendly insulation products globally, wide market Isotherm contains no harmful chemicals.

Beat the summer heat with Aerolite Insulation manufactured using recycled glass and naturally occurring silica sand.

To beat the summer heat and save money on cooling, it is recommended to Insulate. Install  Sans Compliant 145mm Isotherm or the 135mm Sans compliant Aerolite. These insulation products will achieve the recommended R-value of 3.70 for the Western Cape region. Go green and do the right thing to reduce our carbon emissions and save energy, something we all need to do—ceiling Insulation. Most importantly, be sure to install insulation products that are Sans compliant. All new homes must install Sans-compliant Ceiling Insulation as of January 2013.
